Our Blog

News and information to support survivors of sexual abuse as they pursue a claim for compensation.

If you or a member of your family is considering claiming compensation for sexual abuse, or you are already in the process of a claim, we hope our blog will provide you with up-to-date news about prominent ongoing cases, information about changes in the law and helpful guidance to support you at this difficult time.

Former head teacher Neil Foden jailed for 17 years

2nd Jul 2024

Neil Foden, former headteacher at Ysgol Friars secondary school in Bangor has been convicted of 19 charges of sexual offences in relation to five school girls and sentenced to 17 years imprisonment.

Sam Robson in the news gaining compensation for victims of Michael Wilde'

1st Feb 2024

The Warrington Guardian interviews one of Sam Robson's successful clients after winning a five figure award of damages from Halton Borough Council. Sam secured another award of damages following Michael Wilde's fifth conviction for sexual offences against school boys at Wade Deacon High School.

Steven McNally, former scoutmaster and housemaster at Nazareth House sentenced

22nd Jan 2024

Steven McNally, 67 year old former Scout Leader at Bishop's Own Scout troop and housemaster at a children's home has now been sentenced for historic sexual abuse of children in Nottingham. The majority of the offences occurred whilst McNally was working as a housemaster at Nazareth House Children's Home in Lenton which was run by the Sisters of Nazareth Catholic order.

Have you been sexually abused by your teacher?

15th Jan 2024

Neil Foden and James Shawley are two more teachers in the news relating to sexual offences. Foden is currently under investigation following sexual abuse charges relating to six victims, he has not yet been convicted.

James Shawley, a former head teacher at St Bartholomew's primary school has been convicted of four sexual offences relating to children and was sentenced to four and a half years imprisonment. Despite the fact he was jailed in May 2021, it was not until November 2023 that he was struck off by the Teaching Regulation Authority indefinitely.

Former staff at elite school Queen Ethelburga's College convicted for sexual offences

9th Oct 2023

Alexander Ralls, former teacher and Child Protection Officer at Queen Ethelburga's College near York was sentenced to 16 years imprisonment at Bradford Crown Court on 25th September 2023 following multiple sexual offences against pupils at the school. This follows another scandal surrounding the school after its former headmaster Brian Martin was eventually convicted of sexual assault at Leeds Crown Court and jailed for 3 years and 3 months in 2021. In March 2021, another teacher at the school Thomas Ball was convicted of offences of voyeurism and indecent images after he installed a spy camera at the school. Robsonshaw Solicitors have been representing victims of Queen Ethelburga's College over the past 6 years and continue to represent numerous pupils who are continuing to come forward.

Were you the victim of one of these perpetrators?

7th Jul 2023

Between 2021 and 2023, the following sex offenders have been convicted in the criminal courts. Did you or someone you know suffer sexual abuse at the hands of one of these offenders? If so, please contact us for a free, specialist, no obligation consultation about your potential claim. Contact us 24/7 on enquiries@robsonshaw.uk

Former patients of Dr Myles Bradbury are coming forward

4th Jul 2023

Following the recent BBC Cambridge interview with our client Aaron, more victims are now coming forward. Aaron wanted to share his story as he only learned about the scandal after the BBC ran a story and then decided to seek legal advice. Aaron suffered sexual abuse at the hands of Dr Myles Bradbury whilst he was a patient at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge has now received substantial compensation with the help of specialist abuse solicitor, Samantha Robson.

Dr Bradbury victim speaks out in the news

24th May 2023

One of our clients who suffered sexual abuse at the hands of Dr Myles Bradbury, former paediatric haematologist at Addenbrookes Hospital tells his story about what happened and how it has affected him.

Church of England Redress Scheme

14th Apr 2023

Following criticism by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse about the incidence of sexual abuse within the Church; and the manner in which the Church dealt with these allegations, The Church of England is now developing a Redress Scheme to help historic survivors of sexual abuse by members of the Clergy and lay members.
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