Scout abuse compensation claims 

Get professional legal advice if you were abused by a scout leader or other youth group worker.

Scout groups and similar youth organisations are, for the most part, incredible places where children have fun, make friends and learn new skills, helped by a small army of voluteeers. Unfortunately some Scout and activity group leaders do take advantage of their position of power and trust to inflict emotional, physical and / or sexual abuse on the young people in their care.

If you suffered child abuse at the hands of a Scout leader, or other person working for a youth group or charity, contact us to see if you are entitled to claim compensation. 

You can contact us 24 hours a day, seven days a week in complete confidence for free advice. If you pursue a claim for compensation we'll support you every step of the way.

No win, no fee

Robsonshaw offers no-win, no-fee arrangements. Please read more about our fees, as we aim to be completely fair and transparent about what costs are involved. 

Our experience in claiming against Scouts and similar organisations

  • Robsonshaw has brought successful claims against the Scout Association and a number of other charities. 
  • We are familiar with adventure experts who may be required to provide specialist evidence on the failures on the part of the organisation. 
  • Our solicitors have dealt with child abuse claims against the Scout Association where the person in charge of child protection has abused children. 
  • We have won hundreds of thousands of pounds for a victim who suffered a serious mental illness following a terrible sexual assault at a scouting event. 

Depending on the circumstances of your case, we will advise you whether you are able to make a claim against the Scouting Association, the person who abused you, or both. 

Making a claim against the person who abused you

A successful claim against the individual that abused you or your family member must firstly show that the abuse actually took place. If the person has already been convicted of the abuse in a criminal court, this won't be difficult. If not, Robsonshaw will help you prove your claim, gathering the necessary supporting statements, expert evidence and documentation.

The second requirement is to show the harm the abuse has done to you or your family member. Again, our solicitors are very experienced in obtaining the necessary evidence to prove the impact the abuse has had, and the emotional and physical damage it has caused, in order to achieve the best possible compensation award. 

Making a claim against the Scout Association

You may also be able to bring a claim for compensation against the Scout Association itself. This might be possible if the Scouts were responsible for the person who abused you, or if they were guilty of some kind of negligence which enabled the abuse to happen. 

Vicarious liability

This phrase means that an employer or organisation such as the Scouts can be held responsible for the unlawful actions of an employee or person within their organisation. Your claim for compensation against the Scouts Association would be based on their vicarious liability for the abuse committed by Scout leaders or other volunteers within their organisation.


It may also be possible to claim compensation from the Scout Association if it can be established that they owed you a duty of care, and that some negligence or failing on their part provided an opportunity for the abuse against you to take place. For example, perhaps they ignored earlier warnings that should have raised questions about a Scout leader's behaviour. Or perhaps they failed to carry out adequate searches about the abuser's background, such as a CRB check, when they applied for their position in the Scouts.

Our solicitors, Rob and Samantha, have many years experience bringing claims for compensation to a successful conclusion and will guide you expertly through every stage of the process.

Who we are

Samantha Robson and Robert Shaw are senior, experienced solicitors with a wealth of experience between them, who have successfully secured millions of pounds of compensation for survivors of sexual abuse over the years. As important as their legal expertise is the compassion and empathy they offer to every client, and the unstinting support they provide at every stage of your claim. 

Get in touch for free, confidential advice

Even if you suffered historic abuse in the Scouts, you may still be able to bring your claim. We can quickly advise you if a claim is possible and put your mind at rest.  If you or a family member would like to speak to us on a confidential, no obligation basis, please email us at

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