Claim compensation for foster care abuse

If you experienced child abuse in a local authority care home or foster care, we can help you make a claim.

Not all children enjoy a happy upbringing. Difficult family circumstances can lead to a child being placed in care. Whilst some care homes provide an excellent service, others have been targeted by abusers who have used their position of trust within the home to gain access to victims.  Often children from broken homes are vulnerable and may be susceptible to sexual abuse in care homes.  A child who has already suffered the trauma of being placed in care, may then go on to be sexually abused.  

At Robsonshaw, our solicitors have successfully brought child abuse claims against a number of well known children’s homes and secured compensation for child abuse victims.  We have valuable experience of the care system and the levels of care that should be expected. Sam has successfully represented victims of the notorious Wrexham based children’s home, Bryn Estyn and fully appreciates the suffering that was caused to some of the children who were placed there.

Ask us about a potential claim if you were a victim of sexual abuse in the care environment. Call us on 01392 345333 or email   

Claiming against a local authority for care home or foster care abuse

Until 2017, it was far more difficult to bring claims for historical abuse by a care home or foster parent. Such cases were only likely to be successful where the local authority could be proven to be negligent. This was often difficult in historical cases, where old records were hard to trace or incomplete, and potential witnesses had moved on.

Then a case in 2017 changed the law and created a new and easier path to making a claim successfully for abuse whilst in foster care. The case involved a woman who, aged seven, had been taken into care by Nottingham City Council and subsequently abused by the foster parents she was placed with.

The court upheld the claim that the local authority was responsible for the abuse, in a similar way that an employer might be held responsible for the actions of its employees. This marked a milestone as being the first time this principle had been successfully applied to a claim against a local authority. 

Can you make a claim?

Ask us for a free initial consultation. We can go through the circumstances of your case and advise you on the best course of action. 

We offer no-win, no-fee arrangements and can be contacted in complete confidence on a 24/7 basis about your potential claim for foster care abuse.

Contact robsonshaw

You can also contact us using any of the following local rate numbers: